Sunday, November 8, 2009

Oh, no, It's the Randy and Neale Show!!!

"Well, I'm here. Where the Hell is HERE, anyway? Why am I here? I don't know, do you?" " Oh, yeah, Randy, that leftwing loon friend of yours dragged you here. " "Well, I hope I learn what to do here." "Are you sure you can figure this out?" "Yeah, and if I screw it up, Donkey Hotay will help me figure it out."

Hi, Randy. As you can tell, I'm here. Now, I have to go win a Poker tournament. Catch ya later, Bro'!


  1. LOL! I can tell you are here and welcome.

  2. Thanks for the invite, I will be reading along like I used to do on the "other" site. Glad you found a home.

  3. RDS thanks for the ivite hey (((( Penni )))) shall let you folks direct the conversation my only getting bits from the vine is it a civilvine war ?

  4. I hope friends will spread the word about here. It's a bit of a pain having to send a seperate invite for each one of the blogs I created, it's well worth it.

  5. RDS what time zone is google using LMAO its 9:39 PM Eastern for me when I posted this.


  6. It's set to my local time. California.

  7. Has there been a peace accord signed or the vinewars still going RDS, also do you know when Tylers comes back I wish to file an appeal?

    Thanks again for inviting me not to many folks like to been seen with a vinecon from the Rock LMAO I was "Framed" I tell ya !


  8. The war continues, but Tyler is due back on Tuesday. I myself don't plan an appeal, but will respond to him if he emails we with an inquiry.

  9. To each their own RDS all I can say is to not fight those whom suppress you is to allow them the power to suppress more.

    You are a voice RDS and you have that freedom on how to use it I shall stand by your choice and defend it no matter what it is.


  10. PNV- You took the words right out of my mouth. I am the kind of prick who will fight to the death rather than admit defeat, then once the opponent rolls over, pisses on his belly, and acknowledges my Alpha status, I will walk away with my victory, never to be seen again. (Or, I will take over the disputed item and kick the former boss/bosses out and run it my way. Either way you choose, I noticed that you are posting again. So what happened to th 30 day Time Out from Daddy Prickster Calvin? Did Tyler make him play fair or what?

  11. Tylers back thought he was gone till next week ?

    No matter I shall do my 30 and not stick Tyler in the middle I will fight my own battle leaving him out { Tang & Ford greased the skid }
    if you noticed the remarks about sucking up to Tyler.

    I have to wonder if thats what they want Neale a power play target {Tyler} is BF making a play to be a moderator ?

    If your doing a recon don't talk unless its a trusted source and you know they can keep quiet those two are up to something ?


  12. Honestly, PNV, I couldn't give a flying .... you know what about any of them. If they ban me, I'll go back to what ever I want, or just create numerous identities and start a troll war to end all troll wars. One thing I never learned was how to quit, and I NEVER admit defeat in anything serious. If a stroke can't stop me, two officious twits sure can't.
