Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome to my little blog

This is just the very bare bones of what I hope will become a small home for my of my blogging friends from newsvine. Many of the same rules of politeness apply here since most of them are just commonsense anyway. I've found the poll feature, but it doesn't allow comments with it. Still as members join and are given author status you'll be able to posts links here for your posts. Please credit the source as I don't have a feature that does that yet. I put an adult warning attachment on here because I don't restrict language and I needed it to cover my butt. Oh and there is no 500 word minimum here.


Anyway, welcome and here's hoping this is just the beginning of something big and/or just fun.

Also try for politics.

Or for US and World News

Or For Entertainment

Or for Sports

Or for more Adult Postings.

Or For news of the Strange

Please be aware to create a post in any of these blogs you must have an author status for the blog you want to create in. Just contact me and I'll authorize you. You do not need to be an Author to make comments to existing posts, but must be a Member. These are free features. Also be aware that each blog (as it stands now and I'm working on expanding that) is limited to 100 Authors and 100 Members, so the only people who will invited to be an Author will be people I know or who are recommended by someone I know.


  1. Hey RDS thank you for the invite not so sure if you wish to be seen in public with a viner doing hard time LOL could hurt your rep.


  2. No problem. I'm on a one month suspension myself, which is why I decided to start my own blog.

  3. No shit RDS did you pick on BF too LMFAOTD oh that calvin just could not get his balls up till Tyler took vacataion this is freaking priceless !

    I could have writen this all down prior would have made a killing giving odds on the vine those two are so full of themselves I am truly surprised they have not killed themselves tripping over their egos !


  4. Yep, it was a result of my war with BF....or rather that I had the temerity to defend myself against his attack. I guess the last straw for Calvin (though it don't take much for him) was when I posted a poll asking if we should change the name of Newsvine to the Brian Ford Blog. LOL!

  5. Yes RDS LMAO and the truth even in jest cuts just as sharp as the harsh word !

    Good one hats off to you RDS !


  6. so i thought this was a thread about going braless...WTF randy! you keep setting me up for some potential hotness from your fingers and then...well, i simply have to use my own fingers!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Conversations like that are accepted and welcome in the NVMOS Adult section.


  9. Humm Randy so the name fits ;}

    An adult section LMAO do you have a toy department too ?


  10. My, My, This is going to be a fun place to play.

  11. Oh Neale Osborn forgot glad to meet you when I get back from exile shall have to friend you how do you wish to be called ? : )


  12. Anything but late for dinner. Neale is fine, I'm no stickler for honorifics unless at a formal function.

  13. BTW, PNV, you are already on my friends list, so I think I am already on yours, as well.
